The esoteric computer programming language, brainfuck, a reduced instruction set language and slight variation of p prime prime, uses a set of only eight instructions to perform universal computation. In otherwords, it can perform operations equivalent in complexity to any other computer, regardless of the fact that most modern processors use instruction sets consisting of several thousands of commands. Brainfuck uses basic operations to control both it's program counter and it's one and only memory pointer. By moving the memory and program pointers back and forth and incrementing and decrementing the values contained within up and down with conditional control, the limited language is capable of solving any algorithmically expressable problem. The 8 instructions are:
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
One Bit Manipulation - A Reduced Instruction Set Computer
The esoteric computer programming language, brainfuck, a reduced instruction set language and slight variation of p prime prime, uses a set of only eight instructions to perform universal computation. In otherwords, it can perform operations equivalent in complexity to any other computer, regardless of the fact that most modern processors use instruction sets consisting of several thousands of commands. Brainfuck uses basic operations to control both it's program counter and it's one and only memory pointer. By moving the memory and program pointers back and forth and incrementing and decrementing the values contained within up and down with conditional control, the limited language is capable of solving any algorithmically expressable problem. The 8 instructions are:
Superior Digital Design

Monday, December 29, 2008
Genetic Error Correction Mechanism
Of course in my experiments there is no actual genetic code, meaning there is no DNA, however there is a code and that code is capable of mutation. I assume that essentially the natural laws of evolution and processes of natural selection can be governed by a universal mathematical description and for any system, regardless of material composition, the same wil
I'd like to hear from people about this, if anyone has had similar results with experiments. Also, if there are any readers out there that would like to take advantage of some of my source code for the universal open ended evolver please leave me a message. Thanks!
Persistance of Vision
Since the display contains only minimal LEDs and weight is a factor, resolution can be improved simply by a faster control circuit and finer pitched bulbs. With LEDs spaced closer together and with the ability to control them more precisely, the designer can create images with better quality without resorting to spending extra money. Some have taken this concept to the extreme and produced full HD quality video using only about a 1000 emitters. Since rotation speed directly affects picture quality, it is important to minimize system components and mass. An aerodynamic design or placing the device in a vacuumed chamber can greatly improve refresh rates.
Rather than rotating the light source, a specially angled type mirror can be used to automatically reflect the light source into scanning rows upon a projection screen. The motor simply spins this 7 sided cylindrical mirror (each side having a slightly different tilt). When a stationary mounted laser is bounced off the rotating mirror a raster pattern is produced on the screen. By keeping track of rotational indexes and other timing information, a processor can determine whether to turn the laser on or off at extremely high speeds. The end result is

A still better approach is to use a flat mirror on a double axis, spring suspended mount. Electromagnets can force the mirror into a scanning pattern where rows are generated more often than columns. Very similar to a television's electron beam control, but far superior in its ability to project images beyond a vacuum chamber and zero requirement for a phosphorescent doped screen, a mechanically scanned laser projector can generate images of any size, with any resolution, and is only limited by the intensity of the laser's beam and the reaction speed of the electronics.
Atomic Time Receiver Circuit - Break Out Module
Friday, December 26, 2008
A Game of Life, Multicored, Ultra Processor
Conway's Game of Life, a system where each cell's value depends on both it's current state and it's neighbors, is the most popular cellular automaton ever created. It has been mathematically proven to be capable of universality, meaning basically within the rules of the game, any algorithmic process can be simulated and solved, given enough time and space. As the dimensions of the grid expand, conventional linear computers (like a desktop) have difficulties evaluating successive time steps within a reasonable amount of time. A possible solution to this problem is to create linkable hardware based modules, each with their own processor, which when combined could process exceedingly complicated scenarios. Given enough space, one could simulate entire computer systems or even neural networks like the human brain. Packed with a high enough density, a cellular automata based system could conceivably act as the ultimate multicored computer, literally consisting of possibly millions of individual processors. Unlike convention computer designs, there is no centralized instruction decoder in a CA based processor, nor any centralized memory. If one module malfunctions, the rest of the system will continue to run. Larger assemblies of modules would directly lead to more computing power and would be limited only by propagation delays in communication between modules. Trivial modular Game of Life circuit boards are readily available from v
Saturday, December 20, 2008
An Infinite Regression - Thoughts About Existance
Imagine the universe to be non continuous and the calculus to represent only an
approximation. Space and time are discrete units which have a lower limit in size and can assume only a finite set of properties and be arranged in a numerable set of possibilities. In this mindset the cosmos is a cellular automaton where the future is computable and the laws of physics are exactly determinable. Of course these ideas are controversial and there are discrepancies with many of the interpretations of quantum physics. Many experiments
seemingly clearly reveal the hidden variable theories to be inadequate explanations and belong in the realm of metaphysics – that which attempts to explain why physics is the way it is, w
hich may be an indeterminable. However, it is obvious by analogy that the universe very well could operate as a cellular automaton and whether or not this idea is provable, many interesting correlations can be extracted, including possible reasons why we may never know.
The Game of Life, a simple two dimensional cellular automaton which exhibits complex interactions and has been shown to be capable of universal computation has many similarities to our own world. Various types of machines can assembled within this cellular automaton, such as gliders, which are so common, they are naturally occurring within the system. Other machines

are sufficiently complicated that a natural origin for their existence could only be reasonably explained by evolution or, in the far more common case they are preprogrammed by the humans running the simulation, such as a complete universal computer. Since a computer is a machine
which can emulate any other algorithmic solving machine, it is as powerful as any other computer, at least in terms of computability. However probable or not, our universe may be being emulated through a computer built within a cellular automaton operating by The Game of Life rule set.
It is important to realize any implication for the specialness of the Game of Life is non existent and it was only used as an example. A cellular automaton of any number of dimensions, which is capable of performing universal computation, is capable of emulating another system which could be our universe. This means that physical laws around us are not necessarily meaningful in describing the true mechanism used to process this univer
se. In fact, the nested depth of emulation could be infinite, meaning essentially there could be no beginning to the process. This approach requires no confrontation to the question of what ultimately began existence, it would simply be the product of an infinitely long series of simulations. This doesn't mean we are not real. The term has little meaning at all, since reality seems to consist of information alone.
With sufficient computer power it would be possible in principle to simulate another universe, most likely smaller than our own but not necessarily, which could give rise to self aware lifeforms which may ponder over their own existence, completely oblivious that they are being watched on a computer screen. As in most cellular automata, the mechanisms, or laws of physics, may not allow information passing between the simulation and the simulator. Those within the simulation would have no knowledge of the higher realm and nothing they could ever do or build could allow them access unless a process for doing so was explicitly part of the rules.
Examples of naturally occurring cellular automata have been found on Earth in certain types of crystals, the color patterns of animals, and the finger prints on our hands.
Although we may be a simulation within yet another simulation, it is not necessary to assume that these simulations were designed with purpose by an intelligent entity, although either view is plausible. In my opinion the universe is probably naturally occurring, is part of an infinite chain of other simulations, and is a direct example of a specific cellular automata rather than a program being evaluated linearly on a universal computer. If this is the case, a systematic search for our universe's rule set could be done and once found, would be of great importance to our understanding of what is and is not physically possible. Keep in mind however, that the stability of the physics we see around us is not a guaranty. There is no way of knowing if rules can be modified, either globally or locally. The quest for understanding is an infinite journey, keep your mind open.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Maximal Esotericism

Human Body Fuel Efficiency

I am often asked personal questions regarding my performance as a human being. "What is your peak metabolic rate?", they ask... which happens to be 0.39 kilocalories per second or 2.2 Horsepower. Needless to say, I have difficulties maintaining this power level, I only consume between 5,500 and 7,000 Calories per day and am adversely affected by lactic acid accumulation.