One of the primary disadvantages of rechargeable batteries is the expended time required to recharge them and the necessary process used to ensure continued long life. Since extremely rapid recharges, by use of high voltage, have the tenancy to generate irregularities in the battery's cells' electrodes, current regulation is a critical function of reliable regeneration of today's batteries.
A possible remedy involves breaking down the battery into a matrix of hundreds or thousands of micro cells. These miniaturized chemical cells could be recharged more reliably at high speed and each cell could be controlled individually by the use of multiplexing circuitry. In the same way that a memory chip is divided into bytes and each byte can be randomly accessed non sequentially, this high tech battery could be designed to automatically scan through the cells which needed a recharge and skip those which didn't. Even more importantly, each cell could be recharged depending on it's own internal status, eliminating the possibility of damage to the battery as a whole. With a microprocessor controlled system, the battery could self organize, on demand, to produce the desired current and voltage output, without any losses associated with the problems of voltage regulators. Battery life, percentage charged, and charge cycles remaining could be measured with accuracy far exceeding anything ever seen before. The possibilities are endless.
dropping by to say hi!take care!
solar eclipse this monday! looking forward to it..happy sunday!
This sounds like a great idea. So, do you think this technology is achievable or doable?
I understand what you're saying when you said that each miniaturized chemical cell could be recharged more readily and can be controlled individually. However, I would imagine that the electrical power source has to be controlled as well as not to burn the battery's individual miniaturized cells?
Hi, I happened to stumble upon your blog, and after reading your entries from the most recent one till this post, I'd say I forgot what I was initially searching for that led me to this page!
It's been a while since I've met someone who has ideas like you do, and I'd like to say that I'm looking forward to reading more (after I'm done going back through your older posts) :)
Now, onto this topic... wouldn't this kind of battery be using more power on itself for self-monitoring, self-maintenance, and self-conditioning? How about applying nano-technology that would be self-sustaining? :)
- Byron
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